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Reports & guides | 29 June 2015

Global multifaith campaign – 4 page guide

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Our Voices, a global multifaith campaign for climate change action, commissioned Climate Outreach to develop and test language around climate change that could mobilise activity across the world’s 5 main faith groups (Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and Muslim) in the lead up to the UN climate conference in Paris.

We developed trial narratives and identified key framing language from 3 sources: interfaith statements on climate change, interviews with faith experts, and our extensive experience developing climate change communications for distinct audiences. We then tested these trial narratives in narrative workshops (one per faith) and gathered additional feedback through an online survey.


In this 4-page document, we present key insight from this preliminary research, which we hope to build on in the future.

Update: we have since released a new guide on engaging faith communities that provides more in-depth insight.

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