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Top tips for communicating climate justice with young adults in Europe

By Climate Outreach on July 4, 2023

Our research identified that young adults in Europe have a limited understanding of what climate justice means in practice, although they support many of its principles. Young people want to take action on climate change, but a number of barriers stand in their way – and if not used carefully, the language of climate justice could make these barriers worse. This video summarises three top tips from our accompanying messaging guide for effectively communicating climate justice.

These outputs are part of SPARK, a four-year European Union funded project to build the awareness, capacity and active engagement of European Union citizens, particularly young adults, with efforts to bring about climate justice. SPARK is delivered by a consortium of 20 civil society organisations across 13 European countries. See:

These have been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of these outputs are the sole responsibility of Climate Outreach and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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