Übers Klima reden is a German-language evidence-based toolkit designed to support any organisation wanting to engage the German public on climate change. The resource is available as an interactive online toolkit or as a PDF (below). It builds on our flagship project Britain Talks Climate and was produced in collaboration with partners More in Common Deutschland and Klimafakten, with funding by Stiftung Mercator and the European Climate Foundation.
We have provided consultancy services to a number of organisations in Germany, often in partnership with a local partner, Klimafakten. In particular, we recently informed the 10-year strategy of Germany’s key climate funder, Stiftung Mercator, in their efforts to ensure that polarisation on climate change doesn’t take hold in their country.
We are also founding members of the new Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA) which spans Europe.
Reports & guides
Videos & podcasts
Further reading
Zwölf Ideen, um die Welt zu ändern
Wir können es schöner haben – und gesünder! – Für eine neue Klimakommunikation
Stiftung Gesunde Erde - Gesunde Menschen
How to have conversations about climate in your daily life
Wissenschafts Kommunikation
Die Klimakrise braucht einen neuen Look
Die Presse
"Wäre der Klimawandel ein Terrorist, hätten wir ihn schon längst bekämpft"
Der Spiegel
Eine Steuer für mehr Gerechtigkeit
Wie rede ich als Wissenschaftler über den Klimawandel?
Da hilft auch der Eisbär nicht
Ein Werkzeugkoffer für die Debattenkultur
Im Spaßbad der Hitzebilder
Ueber medien
Climate Visuals
Climate Visuals
Based on international social research, Climate Visuals provides seven principles for a more diverse, relatable and compelling visual language for climate change.
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