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Reports & guides | 30 January 2018

Principi per una comunicazione efficace e per il coinvolgimento dei cittadini sul cambiamento climatico

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Our IPCC Communication handbook was kindly translated into Italian by volunteers. This handbook represents the first time such guidance has been produced for the world’s leading scientific body on climate change, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).

Just like the IPCC reports themselves, the way IPCC authors engage with the public should be based on the best available evidence. With a wealth of research on the science of climate change communication and a focus on practical tips and case studies, this handbook serves as a valuable resource for IPCC authors – as well as the wider scientific community – to engage audiences with climate change. The handbook sets out six principles for effective communication, and is available in Italian.

This is a beautiful Handbook and I wish I could have received such guidance when I was first involved as an IPCC author.

Dr Valérie Masson Delmotte (Co-chair of IPCC WGI)

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Adam Corner presented the six principles from the communications handbook commissioned by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) WG1 TSU, the world’s leading authority on climate change science. Adam is introduced by Dr Roz Pidcock, Head of Communication IPCC WG1 at the time (and now part of the Climate Outreach team!).

Principi per una comunicazione efficace e per il coinvolgimento dei cittadini sul cambiamento climatico

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