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Reports & guides | 25 June 2019

Communicating climate impacts in our communities through adaptation

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For a long time, ‘adaptation’ was a dirty word in the campaigning world: if we can just adapt, why bother trying to reduce emissions? But whatever we do to reduce emissions, significant climate impacts are now locked in, and it’s time we started taking the communication about adapting to these risks more seriously.

The practical tips and activities in this guide were created for the UK Women’s Institute Climate Ambassadors, but are relevant for anyone wishing to communicate climate impacts and ways to adapt within their communities.

The guide includes do’s and don’ts to successfully communicate climate impacts, as well as short factsheets about flooding, heatwaves and drought, and activities that communities can engage in to adapt to these risks.

The guide was kindly funded by the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy.

Videos & podcasts


Our workshops with WI Climate Ambassadors, which fed into the development of the Communicating Climate Impacts Through Adaptation guide, are featured in this video produced by the WI to inspire more of their members to become Climate Ambassadors.

Communicating climate impacts in our communities through adaptation

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