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Eight principles for Indigenous media presence

Photos/fotos: Claudia Andujar, Claudia Andujar, Mara Bi, Liliana Merizalde Pablo Albarenga, Yanda Twaru, João Paulo Guimarães - Casa NINJA Amazônia, Edgar Xakriabá Edgar Xakriabá, Edgar Xakriabá, Morena Joachin Perez, Pablo Albarenga

This web resource contains recommendations for best visual practice for content producers, editors, distributors, agencies and publishers who wish to work with, for, or who are from, the Indigenous and forest communities of Central and South America. It is an openly accessible report to catalyse positive change and connections towards imagery that is transformative, sustainable and impactful around the issues of land use, conservation and climate solutions.

Indigenous media presence refers to the Indigenous demand to be seen, heard and known by the international community using both local and global media platforms.

If the media economy fully engages and connects with Indigenous communities and adopts these principles, it can help tell stories of climate action in a way that is both effective and transformational. The global media has a real opportunity to empower people living in primary forests who are fighting for climate solutions and preserving nature.   

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