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Norway is one of four countries included in the ‘European perceptions of climate change’ project, a collaboration with Cardiff University, which resulted in three reports. The ‘Socio-political profiles’ report explores Norway’s historical, cultural and policy context; key actors; key climate and energy-related events; climate impacts and media reporting. The report informed a major survey, the results of which are shared in the ‘Topline findings’ report. We then led on producing the ‘Recommendations for public engagement’ guide.

We are also founding members of the new Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA) which spans Europe.

Reports & guides

Reports & guides

European perceptions of climate change: socio-political profiles & findings

Reports & guides

European perceptions of climate change: recommendations for public engagement


Videos & podcasts

Climate Visuals

Based on international social research, Climate Visuals provides seven principles for a more diverse, relatable and compelling visual language for climate change.


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