Climate Outreach at COP29
Every year we attend COP because we believe it is crucial that people come together, face-to-face, to solve the world’s most intractable problems. We see the climate conference as a vital platform to negotiate cross-border solutions and an opportunity to change the climate narrative to one that gives people hope and encourages climate action.
We will be in Baku from 11-22 November to advocate for more and better public engagement on climate and nature issues. We believe this is the key to successful climate policy rollout.
Our research in Britain shows that people care deeply about climate change but they want to see more government investment and policies that are fair to everyone.
Better public engagement means people feel involved, inspired and informed to participate in tackling climate change in a way that makes them feel included and heard. For us, COP29 is a chance to talk about how we make progress in this area, and achieve more ambitious commitments from all signatories to the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE), part of the 2015 Paris Agreement.
We believe how we talk about climate issues really matters. In what is likely to be a tense and difficult two weeks, dominated by the US election results and tough climate finance negotiations, our recommendation for how to have good climate conversations are more relevant than ever: listen well, connect, tell your own story. We want to rewrite the climate story, with people at its heart. We hope you can join us on this journey.
Between Disappointment and Activism: How to Communicate about COPs
When: 11 Nov, 14:00 – 15:00 AZT (10:00 – 11:00 GMT)
Where: Canadian Pavilion
Host: Community of Practice on Climate Communications
Accelerating Climate Action through People Power: A Global Citizen’s Assembly for COP29 and Beyond
This session will explore how to accelerate climate action through a Global Citizens’ Assembly for COP30 and beyond.
When: 12 Nov, 11:15 – 12:15 AZT (7:15 – 8:15 GMT)
Where: Regional Climate Foundation Pavilion (there will be no live stream for this event).
Host: Iswe Foundation
Unlocking the ACE potential of public engagement
This session will show how public engagement and involving people in climate conversations can accelerate progress on climate.
It will demonstrate how Article 12 of the Paris Agreement: Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) is a powerful tool that can be used to centre people in climate action, raise ambition levels and increase community engagement with governments and international climate negotiations.
When: 12 Nov, 13:30 – 14:30 AZT (9:30 – 10:30 GMT)
Where: Australian Pavilion. If you were unable to attend you can watch it back here.
Host: Climate Outreach, CANA and WWF Australia.
The role of youth action in the SDGs
When: 12 Nov, 15:15 – 16:15 AZT (11:15 – 12:15 GMT)
Where: SDG Pavilion, Blue Zone
Host: ActNowFilm
The global struggle for a better politics
When: 13 Nov, 15:30 – 15:30 AZT (11:00 – 11:30 GMT)
Where: Extreme Hangout, Greenzone
Adaptation Policies and Climate Empowerment
When: 18 Nov, 16:00 – 16:45 AZT (12:00 – 12:45 GMT)
Where: Canadian Pavilion
Host: Equiterre
Advancing Climate Transparency: Opportunities through Action for Climate Empowerment
When: 19 Nov, 15:00 – 18:00 AZT (11:00 – 14:00 GMT)
Where: Plenary – Caspian, Area D. Watch the webcast (recorded).
Holistic Climate Action: Integrating Community Capacity Building & Engagement for Sustainable Futures
When: 21 Nov, 13:15 – 14:45 AZT (9:15 – 10:45 GMT)
Where: Blue Zone
Host: Climate Outreach and Commonwealth Human Ecology Council
Visualising climate-linked migration
Images matter. Photographs help audiences to visualise a story, building mental pictures and cues that contribute to how they interpret and ‘see’ an issue.
We have been looking at the current state of climate-linked migration photography, seeking recurring themes and to identify a prevailing visual language. Our Climate Visuals Manager, Alastair Johnstone shares his findings so far in this blog.
The work supports our migration programme, and has been funded by Unbound Philanthropy.
Communicating beyond 1.5C
At Climate Outreach, we know that scientists are among the most trusted and respected spokespeople on climate. They play a vital role in helping us get our heads around an issue as big as climate change.
As the latest reports tell us about the increasing likelihood of passing our globally agreed 1.5C target, climate scientists face a new urgent and complex communications challenge.
Tara Bryer, a Programme Manager at Climate Outreach, spoke to six climate scientists in the UK to check in with how they felt about the 1.5C target and what being a climate spokesperson meant to them.
Tara shares what she learnt in this new piece, and shares some tips on what scientists can do to communicate beyond 1.5C.
UK’s emission reduction target shows leadership, but we need more
The UK Prime Minister is committing the country to reducing it’s carbon emissions by 81% (from 1990 levels) by 2035. How the government brings people along on this journey is now the key to a successful and fair transition.
Our CEO, Rachael Orr, explores more in this piece.
We need a jigsaw approach to climate-driven displacement
Each year the climate negotiations attempt to deal with the human cost of climate change – in particular climate-driven displacement. While recent talks have acknowledged the issue, concrete action remains elusive.
So what are the limits of climate negotiations in this space? What could COP29 achieve? And who are the other players in the game?
Our colleague Alex Randall, who manages Climate and Migration Coalition, explores these questions in this new piece.
What is COP29?
The BBC has released a helpful article ahead of COP29, explaining all you need to know about the conference. You can also keep updating on COP via their live feed.
We have several available COP29 spokespeople. For media enquiries please email or call +447943 072743.
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