Climate Communications Awards 2019
We cannot tackle climate change without broad-based public engagement. People are at the heart of addressing climate change, and a strong social mandate underpins strong climate action. These unique Awards helped raise the profile of what diverse public engagement projects can achieve in terms of inspiring collective action.
This event also marked our 15th anniversary – we couldn’t think of a better way to mark the occasion than by celebrating not just our achievements, but also some of the amazing work delivered by organisations and individuals around the world who are driving public engagement with climate change.
5 minute highlights video of the Awards ceremony
Our four award categories sought to champion climate communications work from around the world that helps us to share, understand, show and communicate climate change.
The awards for Climate Change Public Engagement, Climate Communications Research and Climate Visuals Photography were each assessed by an expert judging panel, and the winner of each of these categories received a £1000 cash prize to further their public engagement work.
The award for Climate Change Communicator of the Year was put to a public vote, with the winner gaining the prestige of winning the people’s vote.
To find out more, watch a 5 minute highlights video from the evening above (there is also a recording of the full event); download our awards programme; and navigate through the four award categories below.
"When I arrived, I was so tired, but when I left, my batteries were fully recharged! Thank you for that dose of inspiration."
A guest attending our Awards ceremony at the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford on 7 November 2019
The 4 Award categories
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