Meet our Climate Ambassadors
Looking for new and diverse voices from the scientific community with strong public engagement skills? Our Ambassadors programme works with UK scientists to provide training on effective public engagement, and supports new and diverse voices from across the climate research community.
Journalists and event organisers, meet our Climate Ambassadors below. They are categorised by area of expertise, with contact details provided, and would be happy to discuss participating in interviews and events.
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Climate modelling
Name Shammi Akhter
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area My research involves understanding the environmental factors influencing the formation and intensification of Tropical Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and how might this change in the future under changing climate. My research aims to understand how to improve forecasting of tropical cyclones to set up better warning systems. Link to bio
Name Lauren Burton
Affiliation University of Leeds
Specialist area My research looks at past warm periods in Earth’s history. I focus on the Pliocene, a time 3 million years ago when temperatures were warmer, sea levels were higher and ice sheets were smaller. Palaeoclimate scientists like me study the Pliocene because its climate is similar to projections of the warmer world of our future – the Pliocene takes us ‘Back to the Future’! Link to bio
Name Max Coleman
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area I research the effects of greenhouse gases and aerosols on Earth’s climate using computational models. I am particularly interested in human-emitted sulphate and black carbon aerosols and methane, and how they interact with different parts of the atmosphere. Link to bio
Name Dr Ella Gilbert
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area I work on Antarctic climate change, cloud microphysics and the non-carbon dioxide impacts of aviation. Link to bio , @Dr_Gilbz
Name Dan Green
Affiliation University of Bristol
Specialist area My interests lie in African climate systems and extreme weather in the past, present and future. My PhD focuses on the ability of models to represent tropical cyclones in the Mozambique channel, how tropical cyclones in the region could change in the future and what are the likely impacts of projected changes. Link to bio
Name Hazel Jeffery
Affiliation National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS)
Specialist area I work in the area of Earth System Modelling (climate modelling), where I lead on engagement with policymakers and the public for two UK climate research projects (UKESM & ACSIS) and a European Union Research project (ESM2025). Link to bio
Name Dr Liz Lewis
Affiliation Newcastle University
Specialist area My work focuses on modelling the impact of climate change in terms of rainfall, floods and droughts. Link to bio , @lizlewis_water
Name Elena Saggioro
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area I am a physicist by training and climate nerd at heart. With my research work I support policy makers to plan for adaptation to the local impacts of climate change. I develop quantitative climate risk assessments at the regional scale to be used for this purpose. I also love exploring ways in which we can all reduce our carbon emissions, including sustainable diet and travel choices. Link to bio
Name AbdulRafiu Abbas
Affiliation University of Sussex
Specialist area I’m a low carbon development specialist with experience in Climate Change and Energy financing in Africa, public research funding in energy, climate change and industrial decarbonisation. Link to bio , @AbbasRafiu
Name Danielle Bird
Affiliation University of Northampton
Specialist area My professional area is in energy and energy management. This involves understanding energy efficiency of buildings and how to improve it, but primarily identifying how to reduce usage and associated carbon emissions. The energy crisis has provided a greater insight into understanding the global energy market and the impacts of geopolitical events. Link to bio , @DaniENVbird
Name Rachel Bray
Affiliation University of Strathclyde
Specialist area I work on energy policy, regulation, markets, renewables and carbon reduction. Link to bio , @Rachel_EPG
Name Tinashe Chinembiri
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area My area of specialization is clean energy policy and regulatory framework formulation in close association with stakeholder engagement. I am also involved in climate mitigation finance, renewable energy certification and product development within and around low carbon hydrogen. Link to bio
Name Nihal Darraj
Affiliation Imperial College London
Specialist area I am a researcher at Imperial College London working on Shell digital rock project and a member of the group of experts on carbon neutrality at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. My work focuses on carbon capture and storage, low-carbon technologies, and decarbonization of energy-intensive industries. I have more than 8 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, including reservoir geomechanics, drilling waste management, and petroleum engineering consulting. I am one of the founders and the first chair of the Society of petroleum engineers SPE Diversity and Inclusion Committee. I hold a MSc in petroleum engineering from Imperial College London and a bachelor’s degree in natural gas and petroleum engineering from Alexandria University. Link to bio
Name Sheridan Few
Affiliation University of Leeds
Specialist area I am an energy researcher. I am working to understand how computer models can help transform how we produce and use energy. I’m particularly interested in how different groups understand the energy system, and how to make decisions in an uncertain world. Link to bio
Name Samuel Gabra
Affiliation University of Cambridge
Specialist area I am interested in energy-related topics that lies at the intersection of technology, policy and economics, such as carbon neutrality and energy poverty. Currently, I am exploring the possible ways for reducing the emissions of air travel through a systems-modelling approach. Link to bio
Name Dr Justin Hinshelwood
Affiliation University of Exeter
Specialist area I am a senior lecturer in the renewable energy team at the University of Exeter. I have a background in bio. Link to bio
Name Dr Chris Hutson
Affiliation University of Bristol
Specialist area I work on radiation detectors and nuclear robotics, mostly to support decommissioning of nuclear power plants. Link to bio
Name Abidah Ilyas
Affiliation University of Cambridge
Specialist area I am a chartered chemical engineer specialising in energy and risk management consultancy. My research area is in degrowth, emerging economies energy transition pathway and Global South women leadership in climate diplomacy, climate justice and just transition. Link to bio
Name Jingyi Li
Affiliation University of Manchester
Specialist area I am interested in applying life cycle sustainability assessment and circular economy principles to assess geothermal power generation technologies. I integrate circular economy principles into geothermal power production systems to improve their overall performance sustainably. Link to bio
Name Dr Ian Mabbett
Affiliation Swansea University
Specialist area I work on energy-generating buildings with a focus on Global South. It’s transdisciplinary so whilst I work on technology and systems approaches to things like energy and sanitation, we involve local communities. Link to bio
Name Dr Agota Mockute
Affiliation University of Hull
Specialist area My expertise lies in offshore wind and the environment. I focus on modelling the ocean and how it interacts with wind turbines to ensure we design and maintain them most efficiently. I also engage key stakeholders in offshore wind and natural environment to map out the research gaps for evidence-based decisions on offshore wind expansion. Link to bio , @A_Mockute
Name Nuhu Mohammed
Affiliation University of Salford
Specialist area My PhD study at the University of Salford, Manchester focuses on a novel strategy to reduce carbon dioxide saturation in the atmosphere by mobilising inert Nitrogen as a tertiary gas to boost carbon dioxide storage beneath the soil. Link to bio
Name Samuel Stevenson
Affiliation Imperial College London
Specialist area Climate policy researcher with experience in the fields of renewable energy, carbon management and energy digitisation. My work covers the design and evaluation of policy which expedites a cost effective and just transition towards net zero. I have worked both inside and outside government as part of the Science and Innovation for Climate and Energy team (SICE) within the Department for Energy Security & Net Zero (formerly BEIS), the Centre for Environmental Policy (CEP) and Grantham Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College London. Link to bio
Name Sreeram Valsalakumar
Affiliation University of Exeter
Specialist area My research interests include solar power and energy modelling. Currently, I’m working on manufacturing techniques of solar cells and how to enhance efficiency. Link to bio
Name Claire Young
Affiliation University of Bristol
Specialist area My research focuses on measuring and reducing the carbon emissions associated with computing services, including the embodied emissions in the hardware used to deliver those services. Link to bio
Name Ruby Barrett
Affiliation University of Bristol
Specialist area Marine plankton contribute significantly to ocean carbon storage. However, they are widely expected to be vulnerable to anthropogenic climate change. To better understand this, I use a data-modelling approach to investigate how plankton (and the amount of carbon they store) responded to past climate change. Link to bio
Name Amy Cartwright
Affiliation University of Plymouth
Specialist area I work on an Interreg FCE funded project called FISH INTEL which follows the movements of marine animals across the English/French channel using acoustic tags and tracking devices. Link to bio , @amyycartwright
Name Caroline Clason
Affiliation University of Durham
Specialist area I am a glaciologist with a specific focus the hydrology of glaciers and ice sheets. My primary research interests are: 1) the pathways and transit times of glacial meltwater, and their relationship to the dynamics and stability of glaciers and ice sheets; and 2) the impact of retreating glaciers on downstream water quality and availability. Link to bio
Name Dr Jacqui Eales
Affiliation University of Exeter
Specialist area My research looks at interactions between marine and coastal resource management and the health and well-being of coastal communities, and their resilience. My study areas are centred on South East Asia and the UK. Alongside my academic research, I am an Environmental Educator for the NGO Earthwatch Link to bio , @jacqui_eales
Name Dr Helen Findlay
Affiliation Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)
Specialist area I am a biological oceanographer – I use a combination of experimental, observational and modelling tools to investigate the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on marine organisms and ecosystem functioning. Link to bio , @HelSFindlay
Name Ella Grantham
Affiliation University of Bristol
Specialist area I am a Zoology graduate from the University of Exeter. I am currently doing a Masters by Research in Global Environmental Challenges at the University of Bristol researching the impacts of destructive fishery practices in the North Sea. My passion lies in communication of environmental issues, with a particular interest in marine conservation. Link to bio
Name Lily Greig
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area I am a polar oceanography PhD candidate at the University of Reading. My research focuses on small scale currents in the ocean and their potential to impact the sea ice edge and modulate air-sea heat exchange. Link to bio , @LilyGreig
Name Dr Caroline Holmes
Affiliation British Antarctic Survey
Specialist area I’m a polar climate scientist. My current area of research is Antarctic sea ice in the present and future. I’m also interested in mid latitude atmospheric dynamics, sea ice – atmosphere interactions, and climate impacts in mid to high latitudes. Link to bio , @CHolmesClimate
Name Dr Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Lebrun
Affiliation British Antarctic Survey
Specialist area I study seabird ecology, analysis of tracking data and how such data can inform us on many aspects of animal behaviour and ecological processes. I also use tracking data to understand the foraging behaviour of Guillemots. Link to bio
Name Dr Fanny Monteiro
Affiliation University of Bristol
Specialist area I’m a senior lecturer in marine sciences with an interest in marine plankton ecology, biogeochemistry and how they interact with the Earth’s climate. Link to bio , @OceanFMonteiro
Name Dr Christina Roggatz
Affiliation University of Hull
Specialist area I’m a marine chemical ecologist focusing on how climate change impacts the chemical signals used by marine organisms to communicate. My work ranges from bacterial biofilm signals to the pufferfish toxin. Link to bio , @CCRoggatz
Name Dr Mahasweta Saha
Affiliation Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)
Specialist area I am a senior scientist and a chemical ecologist at PML with a passion for investigating the ‘language of life’ in our oceans. Over the years I have developed expertise in investigating chemically mediated communication between seaweed and microbes under present and future oceans i.e. climate change stressors. Link to bio , @sahamahasweta
Name Abdalla Eisa Tagaldeen Adam
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area My specialist area includes rural development, adaptation to climate change in rain-fed agriculture, and weed management. Link to bio
Name Dr Elena Cantarello
Affiliation Bournemouth University
Specialist area My research explores vegetation dynamics and changes in ecosystem services in response to human impacts. My particular interest is contributing to solutions to environmental problems and providing tools that inform environmental practice and policy. Link to bio , @mscgreeneconomy
Name Dr Alistair Ford
Affiliation Newcastle University
Specialist area I build computer models of land-use and transport to explore how climate change will coincide with socio-economic change in our cities, and how we can plan for it. I examine the impacts of urbanisation alongside changes to extreme weather events on climate risk and resilience. Link to bio , @AlistairCFord
Name Elaine Halliday
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area I am an environmental scientist focusing on water management and ecological restoration of peatlands. I use a combination of experimental, monitoring, and modelling work to determine the effect of ecological management and groundwater abstraction on UK peatlands. Link to bio
Name Katharina Huntenburg
Affiliation Lancaster University
Specialist area I am interested in various topics of plant physiology, but my favourite topic is plant hormones. My PhD (currently) is on drought stress responses of potato plants and I will start working in applied research (potatoes) from August. Link to bio , @Huntenburg_Kat
Name Dr Simon Hutchinson
Affiliation University of Salford
Specialist area I teach environmental science at UG level, including earth surface processes and environmental change. I also do research into past climate change and human impact i.e., palaeoenvironmental science including peat, flood plains and lake sediments. Link to bio
Name Arleen Lezcano Munoz
Affiliation University of Bristol
Specialist area I possess theoretical and practical experience in agriculture, water and land management and adaptation to climate change. After four years working closely with farmers through consultancy, NGO´s, public sector and international cooperation, promoting and implementing sustainable agricultural practices and adaptation to climate change projects, I returned to academia to address the questions that the fieldwork arose through a Master by research in Global Environmental Challenges from the Cabot Institute of the University of Bristol. Link to bio
Name Dr Jess Neumann
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area I’m a landscape ecologist originally (working on biodiversity and landscape and climate change) and I then worked as a postdoc on seasonal flood forecasting for the River Thames basin. I now do a mixture of flooding and landscape/ natural flood management research and teaching. Link to bio , @Jess_n1
Name Juan Pablo Lobo-Guerrero
Affiliation UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Specialist area I’m based at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology as a researcher in projects quantifying rates of adaptation in trees and forests to threats of climate change and emerging pests and diseases. I’m interested in understanding how forests respond to environmental change and using interdisciplinary and community-based approaches to restoration and nature governance. I’m also passionate about engaging marginalised communities with environmental sciences through participatory approaches. Link to bio
Name Dr Ginnie Panizzo
Affiliation University of Nottingham
Specialist area Ginnie Panizzo’s research focuses on reconstructing past environments to better understand when and how humans have impacted earth systems. Her particular interest in water quality, pollution and how we can mitigate against the exploitation of landscapes at a time when we need increasing resilience and adaptation due to climate change. Link to bio
Name Tom Pavey
Affiliation University of Oxford
Specialist area My research looks at how lions and other large carnivores are affected by climate change across Africa and Asia. For my PhD, I’m using models to predict how species’ range will shift under different climate scenarios. Link to bio
Name Dr Ruben Sakrabani
Affiliation Cranfield University
Specialist area My work explores alternative sources of fertilisers (such as compost, digestate or carbon-capture based technology into organic waste) to promote sustainable agriculture. As a chemist, my expertise also lies in the fate and transport of heavy metals and micropollutants in soils. Link to bio , @RSakrabani
Name Dr Deepa Senapathi
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area My research focuses on the impacts of environmental change on biodiversity and ecosystem services. I work with practitioners spanning the UK farming community to small holder farmers in India, beekeepers, conservation practitioners in various contexts as well as farm advisors. Link to bio , @deepa_sena
Name Molly Simmons
Affiliation University of Leeds
Specialist area My research focusses on the social, cultural and economic implications of future landscape-scale restoration of the UK uplands. I am interested in investigating the potential of shared visions for future landscapes, and how plans for large-scale nature recovery that have emerged as a response to climate and biodiversity crises may be integrated into rural communities and livelihoods. I am also interested in documenting lived experiences and perceptions of landscapes, by engaging a range of stakeholders through participatory and collaborative methods. Link to bio
Name Niamh Smith
Affiliation Glasgow Caledonian
Specialist area My PhD research is exploring the health impacts of urban blue spaces, and the co-benefits of urban natural environments for society and our environment. Link to bio , @N_iamhSmith
Name Dr Nasser Tuqan
Affiliation Newcastle University
Specialist area I’m interested in the impact of climate change on water resources. My research activities are focused on investigating the costs associated with water security solutions. Link to bio
Name Jessica Underwood
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area I am currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Reading looking into the role of simple spectral technology in helping farmers make decisions which improves their soil health and encourages positive environmental outcomes while maintaining productivity. I am interested to see if these devices, which provide cheap and rapid assessment in the field of soil properties such as soil carbon, can be used as indicator devices. That is whether farmers can use them to track soil properties, such as increasing soil carbon, as they put new sustainable land management in place. I am a specialist in soil science, simple spectroscopy, sustainable farming practices, the carbon cycle and climate change. Link to bio
Name Abi Whitefield
Affiliation University of St Andrews
Specialist area My research largely focuses on human perceptions of wildlife/wildlife management. I’m currently focussing on urban deer in Scotland. I’m also happy to talk about anything human/ climate related, especially the power of individual changes, education and action. Link to bio , @Abi_Whitefield
Name Toryn Whitehead
Affiliation King’s College London
Specialist area My research focuses on the nexus between shifting baseline syndrome, rewilding and climate change adaptation, working with stakeholders across the UK farming community to co-develop adaptation interventions using local environmental knowledge. Beyond academia, I have worked as a climate educator, delivering talks and workshops to over 2000 students. Link to bio , @toryn_whitehead
Name Luis De Aguiar
Affiliation Harper Adams University
Specialist area I am a Senior Lecturer at Harper Adams University, lecturing on topics such as food security, sustainability and urban farming. I’m also part of a research group called UK Urban Agriculture Technology. Link to bio
Name Sarah Nájera Espinosa
Affiliation London School of Health and Tropical Medicine
Specialist area I am nutrition and climate change researcher with experience on various food-related topics including food composition, pesticides, the role of pesticides and microplastics in the human gut microbiome, and the effects of climate change on nutrition and biodiversity across different sectors. My current research focuses on the role of novel plant-based foods to transition towards more nutritious, affordable, and sustainable diets in the UK. I am interested in improving people’s health while taking care of our planet! Link to bio
Name Bongani Ntombela
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area My areas of interest include the impact of climate change on food systems and subsequently on food security. Particularly have more interest in the vulnerability, resilience and adaptive capacity of poorly resourced farmers , smallholder farmers towards climate change. It is mainly because many communities rely on smallholder farmers for food security and livelihoods. Some of them are just one crop failure away from sinking into hunger and poverty. Therefore, climate change is one of the major threats towards their livelihoods. Link to bio
Name Ibikunle Olaleru
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area I’m interested in the impact of climate change on livestock activities. My research focuses on investigating and improving the whole agricultural farming system through the systemic integration of crops and animals. Over the years I have looked into sustainable incorporation of agricultural waste and by-products into livestock diets for optimum income and preservation of the environment. Link to bio
Name Sonia Pighini
Affiliation University of Bristol
Specialist area I have a background in Sustainability Science and currently I am working on sustainable food systems. My research tackles issues of food inequality, food security, and other systemic issues that prevent a sustainable food system transition in Bristol. Link to bio
Name Daniele Pollicino
Affiliation LSE
Specialist area My research investigates the power of social influence to support a societal transition towards more sustainable food consumption. For instance, I wish to understand how to nudge individuals to modify their dietary behaviours in favour of more plant-based choices. Link to bio
Name Heike Rolker
Affiliation University of Bristol
Specialist area I am a PhD student at the University of Bristol and Rothamsted Research – my research focusses on sustainable food systems, resource management and food waste reduction. My interest lies in improving health and nutrition outcomes, while lowering the environmental impact of food system activities. Link to bio , @HeikeRolker
Name Dr Floor van den Heuvel
Affiliation British Antarctic Survey
Specialist area My research interests are aerosols and cloud microphysics, I work on a project aiming to improve the representation of mixed phase clouds over the Southern Ocean in climate models. Link to bio , @DrFEMvdHeuvel
Name Rayne Holland
Affiliation University of Bristol
Specialist area My research largely focusses on air pollution and emission of dangerous chemicals. Air pollution and climate change are inherently interconnected as relevant compounds are often co-emitted. I am a passionate environmentalist and sustainability communicator! Link to bio
Name Prof Paul Palmer
Affiliation University of Edinburgh
Specialist area I’m a professor of earth observation at the University of Edinburgh and my research areas include the carbon cycle, estimating carbon dioxide and methane fluxes, air pollution, models and satellite data. Link to bio , @paulipalmer
Name Dr Erika Warnatzsch
Affiliation University of Edinburgh
Specialist area I am a climate change researcher, digital education designer and teacher at the University of Edinburgh. I teach postgraduate Carbon Management students and also develop Climate Solution MOOCs for an international audience. Outside of academia I have a background in carbon accounting and I have had the privilege to work with businesses, policy makers, communities and individuals from around the world on climate solutions. Link to bio
erika.warnatzsch [at] , @EWarnatzsch
Name Felicia Jackson
Affiliation SOAS University of London
Specialist area My main focus is on sustainable and climate finance and the evolution of the financial markets, energy and climate policy, and systems change. I also work with a range of organisations on changing thinking about action on climate change. Link to bio , @decarbonizer
Name Dr Susana Campos Martins
Affiliation Nuffield College, University of Oxford
Specialist area I work on climate econometrics, which are methods to augment climate-economic research — and Financial Econometrics. Link to bio , @SusanaM0228679
Sustainable solutions
Name Rachel Harrington-Abrams
Affiliation King’s College London
Specialist area I am a PhD student studying multilateral governance, adaptation, decision-making and climate-related resettlement. Link to bio , @RachelRoseH_A
Name Dr Becky Glennon-Alty
Affiliation University of Liverpool
Specialist area I’m a public engagement & science communications officer, with experience working in higher education and a background in ecology and conservation. Link to bio
Name Yaryna Basystyuk
Affiliation University of Southampton
Specialist area I’ve previously worked on knowledge exchange between Higher education and the private sector, and with the US government and the United Nations. Now I’m using that experience as policy engagement manager, overseeing placements with national and local government and managing a science-policy fellowship scheme. Link to bio
Name Dr Simon Boxley
Affiliation University of Winchester
Specialist area My areas of expertise are the philosophy of education, particularly Marxist, ecosocialist and ecosophical perspectives, education policy and practice, particularly relating to climate change, and the study of ‘race’ and ethnicity, particularly in the United Kingdom. Link to bio
Name John Campbell
Affiliation Lancaster University
Specialist area I am a PhD student at Lancaster University, with an interest in political ecology, climate change politics, critical theory, public policy, postcolonialism and critical security studies. Link to bio
Name Dr Aurelie Charles
Affiliation University of Bath
Specialist area My research interests relate to understanding and measuring herd-behaviour and social norms, their impact on individual decision-making, well-being and resource entitlements. My current research projects centre on sustainable earnings, group inequality mapping, and cross-disciplinary approaches to climate justice. Link to bio , @aurelch888
Name James Diffey
Affiliation Imperial College London
Specialist area I explore the relationship between climate change, emotions and mental health, particularly from ‘activist’ perspectives. Mental health professionals believe that caring about and being engaged with the climate crisis is a healthy sign of someone’s awareness and compassion, even though climate-concerned people are often stigmatised and not given the support they need. Link to bio
Name Prof Lena Dominelli
Affiliation University of Stirling
Specialist area I am a professor of social work and my particular interests are climate change and extreme weather events including drought, floods, cold snaps, wildfires, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions; disaster interventions; vulnerability and resilience; health pandemics; community engagement; co-production and participatory action research. Link to bio , @LenaDominelli
Name Dr Ria Dunkley
Affiliation University of Glasgow
Specialist area I am an Associate Director of the Centre for Sustainable Solutions at the University of Glasgow. My work specialises in ecopedagogy as a route to enabling both an understanding of the climate crisis and empowering individuals, communities and organisations to initiate sustainable solutions through research, education and partnership. Link to bio , @RiaDunkley
Name Thomas Empson
Affiliation London Southbank University
Specialist area I am LSBU’s Sustainability Project Manager. I am in the write-up phase of a PhD entitled Creative Engineering for a Sustainable Future. I train staff in the Sustainable Development Goals and lecture in sustainable development. Link to bio , @TomEmpson
Name Dr Megan Evans
Affiliation University of Leicester
Specialist area I’m a medical doctor specialising in public health, with an interest in the impact of climate change on health. Link to bio
Name Lucy Gilbert
Affiliation Open University (OU)
Specialist area I am a student studying environmental science as well as sustainability communications manager at the OU. I am extremely interested in building public engagement skills (particularly in relation to sustainability). Link to bio , @Louc3y
Name Rana Hijazi
Affiliation UWE
Specialist area My research involves the significance of climate literacy activities and sustainability practices for students on campus to support them in transferring their knowledge into action, making educated decisions to fight climate change challenges, and building climate-literate students for the future. My interests lie in Sustainable Leadership, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Climate Action & Literacy. Link to bio
Name Juliet de Little
Affiliation University of Sheffield
Specialist area Drawing on engineering and campaigning experience, my research is centred around what climate justice might look like for climate adaptation in the UK. My PhD thesis specifically investigates and experiences of people affected by flooding against theoretical conceptions of climate justice in order to identify how Flood Risk Management could work to be more just. I have also undertaken research relating to sustainability strategies and academic flying, and the extent to which decolonising academica could even be possible. Link to bio
Name Katrina MacNeill
Affiliation UK Met Office
Specialist area I’m a climate science communicator at the Met Office, so not a traditional research scientist. I talk to policymakers, the public and business stakeholders as part of my job. Link to bio
Name Dr Ana Payo-Payo
Affiliation University of Aberdeen
Specialist area I work at the interface of animal ecology, modeling and social sciences. I study population dynamics and the impact of climate change, species management and conservation. Link to bio , @anapayopayo
Name Shahrina Rahman
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area My research is focusing on marginalised physically disabled people who are affected by frequent natural disasters due to climate change. I went to southern coastal villages in Bangladesh to interview marginalised physically disabled people, to collect evidence based data. During the field work I collected visual data to make a short documentary. Link to bio
Name Dr Mina Samangooei
Affiliation Oxford Brookes University
Specialist area My research looks at ecological and energy efficient building design, with a specific focus on how buildings can contribute to their surrounding ecology through integrating food production with architecture. Link to bio
Name Benjamin Skinner
Affiliation Priestley International Centre for Climate, University of Leeds
Specialist area My research is practice-led, which means I facilitate interdisciplinary arts based workshops that explore how we perceive the immediacy of environment and the physical experience of climate change. Link to bio
Name Vanessa Ternes
Affiliation University of Leeds
Specialist area I am a PhD researcher investigating the fair decarbonisation of transport. Working with transport planners, I identify pathways towards zero carbon transport that are equitable and accessible to all. I am also interested in the co-benefits of transport on e.g. health or social cohesion, and in the role of communities and local action. Link to bio
Name Carolina Vasilikou
Affiliation University of Reading
Specialist area My research focuses on how urban games can educate and inform diverse communities about climate change. My expertise lies in the lived experience of sustainable architecture and thermal comfort outdoors. Link to bio
Name Callum Wood
Affiliation The University of Manchester
Specialist area I work in the policy engagement institute at the University of Manchester. As well as policy engagement, my interests are science writing and media relations; I have an ongoing commitment to clear and actionable dialogue between academia and the wider public. Link to bio , @TheSciCommGuy
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